200+ Google Ranking Factors 2024

126. YouTube Videos Embedded

Embedding YouTube videos on the website enhances user engagement. Proper optimization and relevant embedding positively impact on-page SEO.

127. TikTok Account

Leveraging TikTok for brand presence diversifies the social media strategy. While not a direct SEO factor, TikTok popularity can positively influence overall online visibility.

128. Schema.org Markup

Implementing Schema.org markup enhances search engine understanding of content. This structured data contributes to rich snippets, improving click-through rates and SEO.

129. BBB Account

A Better Business Bureau (BBB) account boosts trust. A direct SEO factor, positive BBB ratings can indirectly influence user perception and online reputation.

130. Expertise Listing

Showcasing expertise through listings contributes to industry authority. A direct SEO factor, this can positively impact user trust and search engine perception.

131. Is Google My Business Info Correct and Full

Ensuring accurate and complete information on Google My Business (GMB) positively impacts local SEO. This includes business details, hours, and contact information.

132. How Frequently GMB Updated With Posts

Regular GMB updates demonstrate activity and relevance. Frequent posts positively influence local SEO, showcasing business engagement and current information.

133. GMB Images By Owner How Often

Updating GMB images regularly enhances visual appeal. Consistent image updates contribute to a vibrant online presence and positively impact local SEO.

134. When Was The Last Image Published On GMB

Recent image uploads on GMB indicate current business activity. Regular updates contribute to local SEO by reflecting up-to-date information.

135. How Many Reviews On GMB

The quantity of reviews on GMB impacts local SEO. A higher number of positive reviews enhances trust and visibility in local search results.

136. Star Rating On GMB

A positive star rating on GMB fosters trust. High ratings contribute to better visibility in local searches and positive user perception.

137. Bing Webmaster Tools

Utilizing Bing Webmaster Tools complements SEO efforts. Monitoring site performance on Bing ensures visibility on this search engine.

138. Physical Server Location

The physical server location can impact website speed. Choosing a server close to the target audience enhances loading times and positively influences SEO.

139. Hosting Company Details

Knowing hosting company details aids in troubleshooting. Opting for reputable hosting services indirectly contributes to SEO by ensuring website stability.

140. Domain Hosting Company Details

Understanding domain hosting details ensures comprehensive site management. Reliable domain hosting positively impacts website availability and directly influences SEO.

141. Type Of Hosting (Shared/Dedicated)

The hosting type affects website performance. Dedicated hosting offers more resources, potentially enhancing SEO through improved loading times.

142. IP Type (Shared/Dedicated)

The IP type influences website security. A dedicated IP can positively impact SEO by reducing the risk of shared IP issues.

143. Type Of Hosting (Windows/Linux)

The hosting OS impacts compatibility. While not a direct SEO factor, choosing an OS aligning with website requirements ensures optimal performance.

144. Backup Of The Website

Regular website backups ensure data security. While not directly impacting SEO, backups mitigate potential losses and contribute to overall website integrity.

145. How Often Website Backed Up

Frequent website backups are crucial for data recovery. Regular backup practices indirectly contribute to website stability and SEO by minimizing potential downtime.

146. Where Is The Backup (Locally/3RD Side)

Storing backups securely is essential. While not directly affecting SEO, a reliable backup location ensures data safety and swift recovery if needed.

147. Size Of Hosting Pack

The hosting plan’s size affects resource availability. Adequate resources positively impact SEO by ensuring optimal website performance.

148. Interactive Forms/Elements

Engaging forms enhance user interaction. While not a direct SEO factor, interactive elements contribute to improved user experience, potentially impacting SEO indirectly.

149. Hosting Neighbors – Amount

Being aware of hosting neighbors prevents potential issues. Directly impacting SEO, a reasonable number of neighbors ensures server stability.

150. Hosting Neighbors – Quality

Reputable hosting neighbors positively influence site performance. Shared hosting with high-quality neighbors ensures a positive hosting environment, potentially benefiting SEO.

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