SEO Glossary
(Q2 2024)

Broken Links
Hyperlinks on a website that lead to non-existent or inaccessible pages.

Business Physical Address
The street address of a business’s physical location.

About Page
A webpage providing information about the organization, its mission, and its team.

A web traffic analysis tool providing website ranking and performance metrics.

Tools like Google Analytics that track and analyze website traffic and user behavior.

Area Code
The geographic area code associated with a phone number, often indicating the location of the business.

A section of a website regularly updated with articles, news, or commentary.

Business Type
The category or industry in which a business operates.

Storing web data temporarily to improve website loading times and performance.

A tag indicating the preferred version of a webpage for search engines.

Analysis of rival websites and businesses in the same industry or market.

Contact Pag
A webpage providing contact information for visitors to reach the organization.

Content Diversity
Offering a variety of content types such as text, images, videos, and PDFs.

Content Duplication
Having identical or very similar content across multiple webpages.

Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance
Ensuring website accessibility for users with disabilities as per legal requirements.

The web address or URL associated with a website.

Encrypted Content
Content protected using encryption methods for security purposes.

Multimedia software often used for animations and interactive elements on websites.

An online discussion platform where users can exchange ideas, ask questions, and share information.

GEO Targeting
Tailoring website content and ads based on the geographical location of users.

Google My Business, a platform for managing a business’s online presence on Google, including Maps and Search.

Google Tag Manager
A tool for managing website tags and tracking codes without modifying website code directly.

Google Web Master Tools
Now known as Google Search Console, a service for webmasters to monitor website performance in Google search results.

Hypertext Markup Language, the standard markup language for creating web pages.

Visual elements such as photographs, illustrations, or graphics used on a website.

Indexable (index,follow)
Allowing search engines to index and follow links on a webpage.

Hyperlinks activated by JavaScript code on a webpage.

Keyword Density
The frequency of specific keywords or phrases on a webpage in relation to the total word count.

Keyword Focus
The primary keywords or phrases targeted for optimization on a webpage.

Layouts Webpage
The arrangement and design of elements on a webpage, including text, images, and navigation.

The hierarchy or depth of navigation on a website, including main menu items and subcategories.

Latent Semantic Indexing, a technique used by search engines to analyze relationships between terms and concepts on webpages.

A visual symbol or emblem representing a business or brand.

Loading Time
The time it takes for a webpage to fully load in a web browser.

Management System
Software or platform used to manage and update website content, such as WordPress or Drupal.

Navigational elements that allow users to access different sections or pages of a website.

Meta Description
A brief summary of a webpage’s content displayed in search engine results.

Meta Title
The title of a webpage displayed in search engine results and browser tabs.

MyWot Score
A reputation score assigned by the Web of Trust (WOT) community indicating a website’s trustworthiness and safety.

Phone Number
Contact number for the business or organization.

Overlay windows that appear above or beneath the main browser window, often used for advertisements or alerts.

Programming Language
The language used to develop and build a website, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc.

Read More
A link or button prompting users to access additional content or continue reading.

A text file that instructs search engine crawlers which pages or files to crawl and index on a website.

Code snippets or programs embedded in webpages to enable specific functionalities.

Search Sitemap XML
A structured file listing the URLs of a website’s pages, helping search engines crawl and index content.

Social Media
Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram used for social networking and sharing content.

Social Signals
Indicators of a website’s popularity and engagement on social media platforms.

Static URLs
Dynamic URLs
Web addresses that remain constant or change dynamically based on user input or other factors.

Thank You Pages
Webpages displayed after users complete a specific action, such as making a purchase or submitting a form.

Video XML sitemap
Image XML sitemap
Sitemaps specifically listing video or image URLs for search engine indexing.

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